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Clients know what we deliver
Forwarding Select talent
to particular clients
What we look for in our best candidates
We don't make the rules. We only have to play by them.
We have outlined the most critical aspects of the candidates our clients look to hire.
Are you considering a change? Let's set up a confidential call.
Define what "at fault" means.An "at fault" reason behind a gap on a resume is a termination "for cause". This can cover a range of issues from performance metrics to conduct. Additionally, candidate's who choose to leave an existing role on their own when not having another opportunity in hand.
I don't have a college degree. Will your clients still consider at me?Having a college degree, even an MBA, is often required for Management through C-level roles. There are other roles, such as individual contributor roles where this is a lesser factor than performance metrics. We will make every effort to filter the right candidate to the right opportunity.
Why is a Non-Compete an item of concern?Although Non-Compete Agreements are becoming less of a binder, having one limits the considerations of future clients for the hassle and risks they may present in moving forward in the hiring process.
The Recruiter hasn't contacted more, or doesn't call me back.Unfortunately, this is a nature of the Recruiting Business. The client pays the recruiter fee, so attention needs to be spent on candidates the recruiter feels they can place. We see a broader value in all of our candidates and make every effort to improve our communications and improving the candidate experience.
Who pays the Recruiter Placement Fee when the candidate is placed?This can vary per recruiter, but in most cases, as in Lane Edward's, our client pays the Recruiter Fee in 100% of all of our placement options.
Working to improve your job search
Have a professional, current resume.
Regardless of today's technology, your resume matters. It is the first impression you give. We can work with you to develop a resume and other resources that will stand
Pay attention to your social profile.
Your Social Media platforms may be holding you back in your search for a new role. Don't take it for granted. Employers aren't looking for candidates who can't keep the details current online.
Working with Recruiters
Recruiters could be your best resource or biggest nightmare. Control the processes and set guidelines going in.
Our strategies allow you to maximize your recruiter results.
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